Free LLQP Help - Life Insurance License Secrets

One of our all-time favorites is getting a Life Insurance license.

Life insurance agent is one of the easiest professional designations you can get and the fastest too. It has a great income potential and rewarding too, not to mention that it will help you to boost your resume appeal for almost any other job you apply to.

LLQP (Life License Qualification Program) is a certificate, valid in all provinces and territories except Quebec, allowing the sale of life insurance products. To get this license and the certificate you need to pass a provincial exam, which we can help you with.

LLQP on your resume instantly shows that you are a professional, you are serious and respected. Your knowledge is wide and well diversified. Add it to your resume in addition to any of your other education and see the results. It's just as respected and recognized and looks just as credible as many college programs or university post-grad courses you might have on your resume.

Besides, you can actually make good money on it or at the very least save a lot.

The power of this career advance is a good secret to know. While Life Insurance professionals are treated with the same respect and recognition afforded to other professions that require much more extensive training and education, Life Insurance license is apparently pretty easy to obtain if you get the right help.

It takes very little time and effort to study, comparing to any other professional program or a diploma or a professional license or even just one post-grad course!

It by far has the best return on investment that we’ve seen comparing to almost any other course or program or diploma from almost any college or university, both money-wise and time-wise.

Money-wise it costs very little - much less than just one post-grad course which does not even give you any license or accreditation. Better yet, we can help you to fully subsidize the cost, so it will cost you nothing at all.

Time-wise it is a champion too – with the right help you can get it in 20-30 days of learning even for those who have not been studying for a while. If you are not confident – make it 60 days. Come up with your own excuses like not having even one hour a day or anything else - give it 90 days, even if you are lazy. As long as you keep studying we are here to help you to get the results fast. It really is much simpler than it may look or sound.

We provide full on-on-one support for free, subsidized for you by insurance companies.

Generally you cannot get this license unless you already have a job offer from a firm that would hire you as a Life Insurance Professional. But at the same time a company would not hire you without such a license. You need to break that circle somehow and we’ve got that covered for you.

We will help you to get the license with no commitment, no risk, no obligations, no contract. Only income potential and another impressive line on your resume.

Once you get your license, if you keep renewing it (costs next to nothing), you can keep it forever without ever having to pass any exams again.


You can keep the license or make it lapse. You still will have this impressive line on your resume forever.

If you keep the license you can make money without any extra efforts. You already communicate with many people around you. If you help any of them with their life insurance or other financial products, you will make decent money.

If you do it casually, you probably won't make millions, but you also won't have to spend any extra time on it. Just have some occasional income and keep doing what you are already doing without it – work anywhere or study anywhere.

If you choose to make a lot of money as many other people do, when you see that it is really working well for you, you can start spending more time on it and be much more financially rewarded. But it is up to you, you don't have to!

Even if it never takes off for you outside of your inner circle, you can still use it for yourself and your friends and relatives and save a lot on your own insurance and other financial products. Just make sure to act in good faith and that it is not your intent to get the Life Insurance license only to insure yourself and your family.

And again, after trying it, if you choose to do absolutely nothing and forget about the whole thing, you still have a very impressive line in your resume forever that will give you a potential of earning more money on any job you apply to in the future.

Do You Have To Have a License?

No, you can make money without a license. You can try it for yourself without risk or obligation (but without criminal check subsidy) and see if it works for you. You will still be paid for the leads you generate. Although our licensed insurance agent (whom you can easily become too) will have to close the deal for you while you are still going to be paid.


Ok, ready for it? If yes, don't wait till tomorrow! Contact Us today, otherwise tomorrow you will find another excuse and will be waiting for another tomorrow. Remember, that today is the first day of the rest of our life!

Ok, here is a deal. If you really have a good excuse about why NOT do it, please Contact Us to share it with us. We love feedback and once in a while people share interesting points, although it is yet to be seen a valid one. Dare to be the first one? Contact Us!

But really, have an honest talk with yourself and Contact Us to get started. Seriously. No risk.

Contact Us Now To Get Started